Isabel Aimee's INSPIRITION


Teaching is Temporarily Online  

Please Email for Available Appointments

"He loves your classes and you have helped him so much.”JS

"L****n had been given a leading role; previously unheard of for a Year 9 pupil in the history of King’s productions."

"I've lost all my frustration about my show now (he said, smiling...)" after a session coaching John felt renewed inspiration for his Stand-Up comedy show

Book EXTRAORDINARY  week-end adventures in the South West  for your party of 8-13 guests, full board acting experiences in a deliciously colourful Georgian house.

"Our hour flew by:  no-one has ever told me HOW to do things before you pinpointed precisely what I needed to know for my voice..." I.O.

To get the most from this course, students don't need to have any prior experience but will want to explore working in a team.

At the end of the course the children will perform to an invited audience of parents and guardians. Groups of maximum 13 students

Meals are prepared together using organic ingredients, primarily vegetarian.

Accommodation is provided in delightful shared rooms.

The course can be booked either as a day course or for the full residential experience.

Lights are out at nine-thirty/ten pm. Materials are provided.

Imagine leaving your child in the hands of a capable expert on the world of imagination, creativity and self empowerment...? Well, this is the intellectual, ‘food’ given to your child over a period of three days.

Day one: we meet for a tea party, choose and develop our character roles to be danced, sung and acted through the following days.

Day two: we explore technical skills, such as costume design, creating and maintaining accents, simple choreography and the art of putting on plays.

Day three: we adapt the story to be told and performed, using our characters and acquired knowledge.

These days are filled with a total of 21hours intensive tuition in acting technique, voice work and movement in small groups with additional free play/ thinking time for the children.

Booking for Residential Students

Booking for Day Students

please send an email to

for bookings and appointment avalability


"I am delighted that with your positive spirit we were able to make a success of running lessons remotely. As you know, I have LOVED the song writing work you've done with the pupils, and some of my favourite moments from this term have been hearing them perform in the online PPP's." J Shortman, Head of Music Perrott Hill School