Isabel Aimee's INSPIRITION

Online Courses for 2020-2021 in SINGING And ACTING

Some of you have so missed the fun and socialbility of developing your acting and singing skills this year.

Don't worry that you are forgetting or going backwards. With a little engagement and following the fun exercises I set you  you can continue to train, grow and have fun with this marvellous subject. I want you to have your full confidence ready to go as soon as you are allowed to get back into groups and put on shows!

a total of 64 short videos covering all aspects of the Perfomring Arts will see you successful up to grade 6 diploma levels

If you buy the two courses you get my two books "How to Act Good and Feel Better" and "Singing Rainbows" completely free as a digital download. In addition you wil be a member of  my online group for students of the Performing Arts

Buy the Course on Acting Techniques

Buy the Course on Singing Techniques

or Buy Both Courses and become a Lifetime member

No Shows?

No Theatres?

Continue to Develop your Acting and Singing Skills from the comfort of your home ANYWAY!